What is python coding? Coding for kids Age 11+. Python 101 for students

Python is such a well-known programming language that even individuals outside of tech have likely known about it previously. Yet, contrasted with other well-known coding languages like Java and C++, what precisely makes Python unique?

Keep reading to become familiar with Python's overall attributes, true applications, advantages, and disadvantages, and how to begin learning Python!

The Python Programming Language

Python is a programming language was made in the last part of the 1980s.

Three general qualities can be used to describe Python:

1. High Level Programming Language

2. Universally useful

3. Open source

High Level Programming Language

In software engineering, a programing language is one that is moderately simple for people to instinctively comprehend and decipher. Then again, low level dialects are simpler for a machine to understand yet are normally harder for the human software engineer to comprehend.

This implies that Python code is developer friendly and nearer to human dialects in how it's composed. For instance, when reading Python, you'll see that a ton of the words, or punctuation, really take after genuine words we use in English, for example, "if," "return," and "Valid"!

When Python code is composed by a human, it is deciphered by a machine once again into a machine language, so it is run by your PC.

Universally useful and Open-Source

Universally useful explains as to how Python can be utilized for an assortment of projects and applications. Rather than being domain specific meaning specialized for a certain field, Python can be utilized to handle a wide scope of issues and can construct creative answers for different innovations!

Open source implies that anybody can straightforwardly team up on and freely add to the advancement of Python as a language. Anyone can download and run Python on their machine paying little heed to their working framework, or OS.

Over the time, Python has gotten progressively flexible as a coding language. From fundamental projects like printing the expression "Hi world!" to being utilized in information science and AI, increasingly more Python libraries and applications are being extended by open-source supporters and utilized across various businesses.

Keep reading to find out about Python's qualities and shortcomings, just as a portion of its basic applications!

Advantages and Disadvantages

While Python is a mainstream programming language to both learn and use, but as with all programming languages, Python has its own special inadequacies that organizations and developers regularly need to work around.


1: A Large Community

A few individuals from the enormous Python people group cooperating.

Python language is growing language with many user’s day by day. There are numerous Python instructional exercises covering a wide scope of ideas on the web, for both new and progressed coders to find support.

If there are bugs in your Python code, there's an enormous possibility a similar issue has effectively been experienced and settled by many other community users. The python advocates are additionally encouraged by the way that Python is likewise an open-source language that can be utilized or added to by anybody in the general population.

2. Easy to Learn

Python is an incredible language for starting coders.

Python is not difficult to use and fast to learn on the grounds that it's a general programming language. With regards to other languages, Python assists children with learning basic coding concepts without being overpowered by how to compose code, diverse information types, or memory the board.

3: Great for Prototyping

With regards to prototyping and making models for creation, Python likewise permits developers to construct items at a quicker speed than different languages.

Not only for first-time coders, Python is additionally extraordinary for more up to date engineers since it's a simple language to learn, decipher, and apply at work.

The disadvantages of Python

1: Slower Speed

Python runs generally slower than its mainstream partners, like Java and C++, on the grounds that it is a deciphered language. Dissimilar to the previous languages referenced, it needs a Python mediator to interpret the code for the PC to comprehend.

Python likewise deals with distributing and deallocating memory instead of putting this weight on the developer. These two extra factors hinder the program runtime, and most organizations get around this issue by making more worker space for their items to run.

2: Design Restrictions

Python has errors that occasionally possibly happen when a program runs. This feature makes testing and investigating a problem now and again. Nonetheless, new instruments can help settle this issue.

Real world Python Applications

Python can be applied to various genuine circumstances. If an issue uses a great deal of large information, artificial intelligence, web advancement/web applications, or data modeling, Python is one of the go-to languages used to make deliverable outcomes.

What is Python Used for? What real world applications are there?


Instagram utilizes Python and Django, a Python web structure, for application improvement. For a quickly developing organization, Python's easy to understand features can turn ideas into reality faster.


Since Python is an extraordinary language for AI for certain standard libraries explicitly for managing monetary information, it's an advantageous choice for these organizations. Quantitative scientists at organizations use Python to make models that anticipate monetary results of various ventures

Business organizations (like banks, cash moving administrations, and other fintech applications) likewise use Python to make structures for their applications and administrations.


In numerous spaces of the scholarly community that puts emphasis on computational science, Python involves a critical piece of numerous research projects. The language can be utilized vigorously for showcasing biological problems.

Learning Python

Among its different benefits, probably the best strength is assisting new coders with learning fundamental ideas and come out as comfortable with programming. There are likewise numerous assets generally accessible to learn Python.

As referenced previously, the language is not difficult to learn and is an extraordinary beginning stage for any kid trying to seek after a training or profession in coding, or even in positions outside of tech organizations, for example, in the fields of finance, biotech etc.

Read more about our coding courses curriculum, or register for coding classes with our Admissions Team to learn which course is best for your child’s coding journey.