Top 6 Computer Science basics all kids should learn

Once you have decide that your kid should learn how to code, a practical doubt is : why should everyone learn to code(link to the blog - Top 6 Reasons Why Every Kid Should Learn to Code) and what to specially learn, how do you get coding skills.

All coding languages, including the best programming languages for kids, rely on the similar fundamentals i.e. the foundation. Since these coding concepts are also used in math and logic, practicing them through coding is incredibly beneficial to a child’s broader education.

Besides the benefits of coding to math education, these coding basics are also crucial to problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Coding offers visual and real-time feedback as a child practices and experiments and can be an easier way to design an idea with its full potential rather than a vague idea.

Any path a student takes in learning to code, these are 6 of the most important coding concepts that they should be learning along the way.

1. Algorithms

Children already use algorithms, while being completely unaware what algorithms are . Any time a child follows a step-by-step process to accomplish a task, they are working with algorithms.

For example, when children start putting on their clothes by themselves, mothers often guide them to say put the arms first and then the head and pull the sweater. Washing hands is a simple algorithm like opening the tap, using the soap, and then washing it off and closing the tap.

Coding isn’t the first place that your child will notice algorithms, but coding does offer the opportunity to think about them more explicitly. Algorithms can strengthen their problem-solving skills as programmers as they learn to recognize the role that algorithms play in accomplishing a goal.

2. Conditionals

Kids learn about conditionals all the time. Here are two examples, if you are finished with your plate, put it in the sink. Use a spoon to eat rice, but you can use hands to eat raisins. Our beginners course includes all these concepts and are taught to set a solid foundation for the child to explore the world of programming.

3. Sequencing

An algorithm tells you what steps to take, and sequencing tells you in what order you need to take those steps. As an example, when a child plays with toys, they are given a set of steps and a particular order in which they need to be completed. In programming, sequence is a basic algorithm: A set of logical steps carried out in order.

4. Loops

Loops are another aspect of basic programming skill that kids experience commonly while playing games. In many online games, everyone takes turns in a specific order – player 1, plyer 2 etc. and then back the player 1 and continue looping until the game is over. This is a similar way how loops work.

Once a student starts learning the basics of coding, they see how these are related - that algorithms are made up of linear sequences, loops, and conditionals.

5. Variables

Coding for kids can be an easier way to introduce them to what variables are and why they are useful in many real-word applications.

Variables can be challenging for kids when they first start learning in math classes. Although they are crucial to applying mathematics in the real world, variables can often feel very difficult at the start of coding.

Even outside of math class, variables are important to learn because they can help kids keep track of unknown or changing values. This can give them a head start at solving real-life problems and understanding cause and effect on different factors.

6. Functions

Functions are a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions take some input and use those inputs to do a task. For instance, a function might take any two numbers as inputs, subtract them together, and give you the difference of the numbers.

Start Learning: Online Coding Classes for Kids

This list may look overwhelming at first, but there’s no need to worry. As your kid goes through their coding classes, they will already be learning all these computer science concepts.

As we mentioned earlier, learning these concepts is sure to enhance your kid’s math and logic skills, problem-solving, and analytical reasoning. These new skills will benefit their broader education, as well as serving as an excellent foundation for both coding and non-coding careers and becoming the creators of tomorrow.

AlphaJunior is here to help your kid master each of these 21st-century skills. We offer an extensive set of coding classes for kids ages 8-18. Expert instructors from top-tier universities will also be their personal guide every step of the way.

Check out our online coding courses for kids and curriculum, or contact our Admissions Team to get your kid on the fast track to learning these basics and so much more!